Everglades Challenge 2015 – 100% FUBAR

I’ve taken a month off while gathering my thoughts about the 2015 Everglades Challenge, and I”m still not totally ready to post my opinions.  I will, however, post them in the next week (it’s our anniversary this weekend, so no typing for me!).

There is a lot to say, to tell, to speculate, and to resolve.  Will Watertribe survive what happened?  Will the Coast Guard back off from adventure events like the Everglades Challenge, or did this years’ cancellation mark the beginning of increased encroachment?  It’s hard to say, but I do know I’d be seriously nervous if I were planning to enter, say, the Race To Alaska this year.

When I do write the post, I’ll have a lot to say, especially as I was an inspector this year.  I hope what I have to offer will help waterborne adventure eventing in the future.  We don’t need the Government interfering needlessly, nor do we need to be shooting our own selves in the foot (feet? foots?) with bad planning, either by entrants or organizers.

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